Giving to God is tough. With bills, student loans, and daily expenses, there’s a lot competing for our dollars. When it feels like you're barely making it each month, the thought of giving some of it away can feel impossible.

But here's the thing... God commands his followers to give back to Him a portion of their income and also promises to take care of them with blessings. Are you willing to take Him up on his promise?

Countless people experience God’s blessings when they practice tithing and/or percentage giving, but often the first step is the hardest one to take! Our 3-Month Giving Challenge is an opportunity for you to begin taking that first step into this spiritual discipline, the grace of giving! 

Essentially, it’s a challenge based on the Scriptures in 2 Cor 8-9 (esp 9:6-11). Here’s our commitment to you: if you practice tithing and/or percentage giving for three consecutive months and God doesn’t hold true to His Word, if you ask we will refund 100% of your giving - no questions asked. 


DECIDE: Prayerfully decide on a specific amount to begin giving consistently. This can be a percentage of your total income or simple dollar amount, but it’s entirely between to you and God. Here are some suggestions on selecting an amount:

  • If you're not already giving to Hope, pick an amount that matters to you. Decide on an amount that engages your heart, one that costs you something, and one that is a fair reflection of your giving ability.
  • If you're already giving to Hope, commit to give more than you’re currently giving:
    • If you're not giving the first 10%, then commit to practicing a 10% tithe.
    • If you're already tithing, then commit to giving offerings above your tithe! 

GIVE: Give that amount you commit to Hope. You can give weekly, biweekly, or monthly – whatever works best for you. You can give online, through our app, or in person at Sunday worship gatherings.

EVALUATE: After 3 months of practicing the grace of giving, if you believe that God hasn't kept his promise of blessing and spiritual growth, contact us and we will refund 100% of your donations during your 3-month challenge. No questions asked. That's how confident we are that God will honor your next step of obedience.

I'm Developing Irrational Generosity!