What to Expect at a Worship Gathering

Expect to be invited to sing along with music, engage in moments of prayer, interact with an engaging message or teaching, meet a few people, grow in the knowledge of Jesus and experience God’s presence.

We begin at 9:30a. Feel free to show up a little early if ya like (or a little late). Our gathering will last approximately 80 minutes.

Easy - Wear what you're comfortable with! If you're a jeans and tee kinda person, wear that! If you like to dress up on Sundays, that's cool too! Some of us wear jeans and tees (like the pastor). Others of us dress up a little with a skirt, dress, or slacks and a button down (usually without a tie). 

That's completely ok! It might even be normal? Pastor Brad felt sick to his stomach the first time he went to church. What he came to learn is that it was likely a spiritual resistance to the goodness of God. Join us a week or two and the nerves will begin to fade away. 

We have two separate kid environments where your young ones will also get to experience the love, grace, worship, and teachings of Jesus in an age appropriate atmosphere. 

  • NURSERY: Birth - 3 Years Old
  • KIDS: Pre-School - 5th Grade

What to Expect at the Community Dinner

Expect to build friendships around a table with warm food and laughter while being encouraged in your soul by a retelling of a short story about Jesus and a moment of prayer together.

Yep. Free. Costs nothing. How? Good question.

Our dinners are provided through the generosity of people giving to our cause and through our community partnerships. All of us who financially contribute desire to see our community come together and care for one another; creating spaces of goodness and light in our community. 

Everyone is welcome! You might expect to meet people at various stages in their spiritual journey, from those highly skeptical of Jesus to those deeply committed to faith in Christ. 

Yes, just show up! If you’d like, you are more than welcome to send us a message and we will keep an eye out for you.

Bone Boys is our primary community partner; most weeks they generously provide a main dish and sides. We cook some other sides. We provide salads purcahsed from the store. We often have breads donated from stores (sometimes Panera). We have sodas (pop) donated from a food pantry. Individuals participating in our community bake and bring deserts. 

So, is it a potluck? Yes and no. What can you bring? Anything you'd like to contribute! A desert dish. A side dish. Bottled Waters. 

Do you have to bring anything? Nothing expect yourself (and maybe a family member or friend or two)!

Remember, our meals are free through the generosity of people desiring to create spaces of goodness and light in our community. 

We begin at 6:00p with our retelling of a Jesus story. We're eating by 6:15. If you're not interested in our Jesus story, join us after 6:15! Usually, people stick around with dinner and discussion and enjoy one another's company till 7 or 7:30p.

During the summer, we are outdoors! Join us at Robert Peter's Park! Otherwise, we'll be indoors at the church next to Wendy's on Main St in Bellevue. (442 W Main St. Bellevue, OH 44811)

Through the summers, we're outdoors! If it rains, we will move indoors for the evening. In the winter, if we have a snow storm that reaches level two during our dinner hours, we're likely to not gather for dinner that evening.

The best way to know if we are going to make a weather related change is to text DINNER to 1-844-307-8871. We will send out any last minute updates via text message through that number. 

Clothes would be great! :) Easy - Wear what you're comfortable with! With jeans or shorts and a tee, you won't go wrong. 

Kids will be with you. We do our best to engage with kids and adults in our story from Jesus. Plus, when we're outside, there's a park! When we're inside, after dinner, we will open a space where kids may go and play. But for the most part, you don't separate your kids at your family picnics or reunions! Neither will we... So, think of it like that and you get the picture... 

The best way to help is to show up early for set-up and/or to stay late and help clean-up! If you're interested in baking or cooking when Bone Boys is unable to provide the primary meal, please talk to Pastor Brad.