Here are a few reminders for November and a look ahead at early December for what's coming up with Hope. 

THIS WEEKEND: THE LORD'S MEAL & COMMUNION - Join us for worship as we celebrate and remember Jesus together in communion with God and one another. Come to worship prepared to share a story of Jesus the Spirit is speaking to you or a prayer of something you're thankful for! Following our singing and sharing, we will spread a pasta bar for everyone to enjoy. Click here to see what is needed and to RSVP to bring an item

NO COMMUNITY DINNER ON THANKSGIVING THURSDAY - On Thanksgiving day, we will not be hosting the Community Dinner. Take the day to rest and enjoy your family! 

NOV 27: CAROLS PT3 - Are you one of those Christmas right after Thanksgiving types? Then, you’ll be happy to join us for worship right after Thanksgiving! We will kick off a new message series on Nov 27th: Carols!

DEC 3: LUNCH W ST NICK (10:30a-1:30p) - Each year we partner with other congregations in town to participate in the Lunch with St Nick event at the Bellevue Rec Center! Our role is to spread a hot cocoa bar! More than that, we are going to interact with parents and kids from the community and have a good time! Let us know if you're going to participate in this outreach event with us by clicking here. Set up at 10:30a. Event begins at 11a.