Here's your look at what's happening next with Hope:
HOUSE-O-WEEN STORY - We had over 500 people connect with us during House-o-Ween. And get this, the next day at Culver’s in Sandusky, Carlie and I saw a Hope sticker on a kid’s tablet in the restaurant! I asked where the sticker came from and the parent was like: “Ha. I don’t even know! It just showed up this morning.” The kids knew and explained to us their favorite house during trick or treat. We talked more and discovered this family lives in Bellevue. Hopefully, we will be able to connect with them again!
THIS WEEKEND - We’re finishing our message series on the Spirit. This weekend, we will be touching on the topic of tongues. If you’ve ever been confused or apprehensive or weirded out by people praying in other languages, this will be a message you won’t want to miss out on.
Nov 20: THE LORD'S MEAL & COMMUNION - Join us for worship as we celebrate and remember Jesus together in communion with God and one another. Come to worship prepared to share a story of Jesus the Spirit is speaking to you or a prayer of something you're thankful for! Following our singing and sharing, we will spread a pasta bar for everyone to enjoy. Click here to see what is needed and to RSVP to bring an item.
NO COMMUNITY DINNER ON THANKSGIVING THURSDAY - On Thanksgiving day, we will not be hosting the Community Dinner. Take the day to rest and enjoy your family!
CAROLS PT3 END OF NOVEMBER - Are you one of those Christmas right after Thanksgiving types? Then, you’ll be happy to join us for worship right after Thanksgiving! We will kick off a new message series on Nov 27th: Carols!