Here's a look at what's happening next in the end of January and at the beginning of February with Hope. See ya soon!
- Pastor Brad
We're starting groups up soon! Pastor Steve has put much time to prepare a path for us to be able to multiply groups throughout our church community and even throughout our friends and co-workers and anyone we may interact with. Before we set some things in stone, we want to hear from you! We need your input to make sure our groups can kick off to the best of our ability!
Bone Boys BBQ has been a primary and major partner with us for the Community Dinners since we started. They are moving out of The Vue (the old Bierkeller) and moving back downtown. They need help with moving large kitchen equipment on Saturday the 28th at 8a. I think we should show up as a way to say thanks and as an expression of partnership with them. This is an opportunity for us as a group to show our commitment to our community in a practical way. On a personal note, I'll be in and out helping during the morning as I have prior commitments to my kids.
Please let me know your willingness to help by this Thursday the 26th.
Jan 29: NOISY OFFERING / COMBINED SINGING SUNDAYThe kids will be receiving a noisy offering for BGMC (Boys & Girls Missionary Challenge), so, bring change to be able to give towards this offering. Plus, they will be singing with us in the worship gathering! They're going to help us kickstart a new song: Too Good to Not Believe. This song is an anthem that joins us with one-another as we celebrate what the Lord is doing in us and through us, but also, joins us with those throughout the ages who've put their hope in the Messiah, in Jesus. This song leads us to declare praise and to remember the goodness of God we've seen as a community.
Feb 12: THE LORD'S MEAL & COMMUNION (SOUP) & JERSEY SUNDAY (9:30a) - Join us for worship prepared to share a story of Jesus. We'd also love to hear your top moment with the Lord. Maybe a miracle you've seen or experienced? Maybe a healing? Maybe a restored relationship? Maybe a special sense of His presence? Maybe a moment where He guided you so specifically? Think: How have you seen the Lord work in power or wonder or stillness and faithfulness?
We will be remembering and celebrating Jesus together through sharing these stories with one-another. Following the worship gathering, we will share in the Lord's Meal by sharing soups together! Bring a batch of some type of soup or chili to share since it's soup-er-bowl weekend!