Here's a few reminders about what's coming up quickly here at Hope! Have a great rest of the week! See you soon.
Join us for worship prepared to share either a story of Jesus or what you sense the Lord speaking to you from the Proverbs readings. Then, stick around for a meal after worship! Please bring some taco toppings and a side-dish or a dessert to share. Hope will provide taco meat (ground beef), some chips, and drinks. Let us know what you'll bring by filling out this short form here.
This Sunday is the last weekend to bring in candy for house-o-ween before we start to prepare this week.
Second, join us on Sunday, Oct 29 on NW St as we host a mini-house party to interact w/ our community! We need popcorn poppers, carnival game hosts, & more. Please be sure to RSVP your help to participate. Arrive by 4p to help finish set-up. Trick or Treat is from 5-7. Tear down and out by 8p.
Click Here to RSVP to Participate in House-o-Ween
Thursday, Oct 20, we will be at Bryn Mawr Aparments for a fall festival. We will be sharing dinner, kids will be able to trick or treat, and there will be a hayride. Dinner will be ready at 5p buffet style. Then, beginning Thursday, Oct 27, the Community Dinner will be indoors.
Bring loose change for our kids to receive a noisy offering that will go towards Boys & Girls Missionary Challenge (BGMC). But before that, they'll be joinng us and leading us in singing to the Lord! They'll be introducing us to a new song called Pharaoh (Let My People Go) by Brandon Lake. Check it out before and maybe even become familiar with the words so you can sing along with us as we declare freedom over people's lives!