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Here are a few reminders and a couple of updates on what's next with Hope. See ya soon! 

- Pastor Brad

Feb 12: THE LORD'S MEAL & COMMUNION (SOUP) & JERSEY SUNDAY (9:30a) - Join us for worship this weekend prepared to share a story of Jesus. We'd also love to hear about your top moment with the Lord. Maybe a miracle you've seen or experienced? Maybe a healing? Maybe a restored relationship? Maybe a special sense of His presence? Maybe a moment where He guided you so specifically? Think: How have you seen the Lord work in power and wonder or in stillness and faithfulness?

We will be remembering and celebrating Jesus together through sharing these stories with one another. Following the worship gathering, we will share in the Lord's Meal by sharing soups together! Bring a batch of some type of soup or chili to share since it's soup-er-bowl weekend!


We asked. You responded! Thanks for your expressed interest and willingness to commit to a discipleship group! We will be starting two identical six-week groups to give you two options to participate. Discipleship groups will start the week of February 19th. We will be exploring the book of Ephesians, praying together, practicing sharing our stories and the story of God, and more! 

  • Mondays 7-8p (Feb 20th - Mar 27th)
  • Saturdays 8:30-9:30a (Feb 26th - Apr 2nd)


Jesus was friends with everyone yet Jesus also had specific friendships. He was known for breaking barriers in social and religious spaces. He ate with the rich and the poor alike. He had a variety of disciples 70, 12, and what is often called a favorite 3. Lazarus, Mary, and Martha are even frequent friends of Jesus. But, all of Jesus' friends were formed into a fellowship: a group saved and sent by God to continue Jesus' mission in the world. So, what can we learn about building friendships and forging fellowship? We will begin this new series on Feb 26th!